CEO of StudySoup: "A great person [hire] will elevate your productivity to new heights"

Creating a new role at a startup company can be fun and exciting. It means that there is promise in what you are doing and the right hire will enable growth. But not all qualified candidates are the right fit for your company.

Sieva Kozinsky, CEO of StudySoup, says “Hiring the right people is always an interesting challenge: the wrong person will keep you at a stand still or might even hurt your progress, but a great person will elevate your productivity to new heights.”

Sieva is a Co-founder of StudySoup,  a company founded by students who asked the question: “why are course materials so expensive?” and developed a peer to peer marketplace to sell notes, study guides and materials.

According to a recent study, most companies who have made bad hires was because they needed to fill the position quickly.

What are the traits that you look for in hiring great people?

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